Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Heat Chic

The Miami Heat are in the NBA Finals and hate as you might but I for one am excited! Incase you find yourself invited to watch the trifecta kick some booty here's some outfit inspiration. All items except for the t-shirt are from net-a-porter, t-shirt is from NBAstore. Please forgive me for not saving the original links. This is my first time doing this, I'm stillllll learning and working out kinks. 

Is anyone else rooting for the Heat or maybe the Mavs? Nothing like a little friendly competition! Or maybe you've created outfits for sporting events in the past, do share, i'd love to hear all about it! 


  1. Laughing at your comment!! Run on sentences are the best ;) Btw that bag up there is fab-ulous. And so is your blog! Love it!! xxSheridan

  2. Ahh (that's a squeal!) you're too sweet. Really, I'm star struck right now. Totally gushing cloud nine.
